Will 1894 44mag Feed Wln Cast Bullets
01-14-2016,08:13 PM #3
I found with my old Ruger Super Blackhawk that .433" boolits made loaded cartridges that were very tight fitting and sometimes hard to get in the chambers. Didn't notice that with the 1894, but if you have a minimum chamber you could have issues. The bigger problem with my 1894 is that it's fussy about OAL and nose shape. The good old Lyman #429421 seated to the crimping groove jams when the elevator tries to lift it up to chamber. #429244HP and Lee 429-255-SWC (which has a short truncated cone nose like the current TL429-240-SWC) feed just fine.
"A cheerful heart is good medicine."
01-14-2016,09:38 PM #7
NOE has a molds section titled Ranch Dog. RD was a forum member who developed boolits for the lever action 44, with good results. They are definitely worth considering.I don't know if search will turn up any old Ranch Dog threads, but it would be worth a try.
The enemy of good is better.
01-15-2016,11:01 AM #13
The Marlin 94 in 44 Magnum is a problem for some folks and a dream come true for others. Some claim good success with cast bullets and others that it is all but impossible to get one to shoot case bullets well.I have such a rifle and am well pleased with the accuracy. I use a now discontinued RCBS 225 grain GC bullet sized .432 over 10/Unique in the 44 Magnum case. Accuracy is outstanding and power is just fine for any of my uses.
1-38 was the rifling twist for the 44-40 round and Marlin adopted it without giving much thought to the issue. I load my rifle like it was a 44-40 and have great results.
Disclaimer: The above is not holy writ. It is just my opinion based on my experience and knowledge. Your mileage may vary.
01-15-2016,02:24 PM #16
I have a 1894 CB 24" rifle. I have gotten "Good Accuracy" using 250-260gr Lyman 429244 GC. Mine only got sized to .431 as they were only .4315 to begin with.By "Good Accuracy" I mean "Acceptable Accuracy." In my case that's about 1.5-2" at 50 yards. This is more than adequate for my shooting at Short Range Silhouette which is 50-200 meters. I've shot 26/40 with that gun and the misses were mine not the guns.
Others have unrealistic ideas of how well one of these guns should shoot. They are not tack drivers by any means!
As stated above the main problem is the twist rate at 1:38". In order to get anything to shoot right you will have to run the boolits as fast as you can and that means heavy loads at 1600fps and up. Longer boolits aren't going to have enough spin to shoot well, although people here claim good accuracy with the Lee 310 gr Boolit..
In order to get any SWC type boolit to feed right thru the action you will need to chamfer the mouth of the chamber to remove the sharp edge. The edges of the boolits will be gouged and stopped everytime if you don't.
I have to load a bunch of these up today as I'm shooting tomorrow.
I also got a Mihec Mould for this boolit that drops at .434 so they will be sized to .432 which might improve the accuracy somewhat.
The Greenhill Formula result that was used here was for the .44-40 using short fat boolits of @200gr. Everyone and their dog has been trying to get Remington to change the twist rate on the Marlin barrels to 1:20 for years now and they just won't do it. Another part of the problem is that the 1894 action is good up to about 45,000psi, and they are covering their butts incase someone tries some hot loads. The slower twist and larger bore size cuts down on pressure so the Lawyers are holding it there.
By contrast the Ruger 77/44 has a 1:20 twist and shoots a little better. It also has a bolt action which is much stronger than the Marlin.
But here's the main point: The 44 Magnum is a 150 yard cartridge! And as such accuracy is a relative thing. My 2" gun at 50 yards is a 6" gun at 150 and that is more than adequate accuracy for anything I would do with it.(including Silhouette) Also the type of hunting most people would do with these guns is relatively close range shooting in the woods or brush. 25 to 75 yards is probably the realistic ranges you'd be shooting.
As you can see the Accuracy of these guns is more than adequate at those ranges. Some are more accurate than others but most of the limitations are in the cartridge itself and not the gun. Rifles in .357 and .41 Magnums are no more accurate for the exact same reasons.
Short Fat Boolits aren't as accurate as Long Skinny ones. Simple as that.
However that doesn't mean the guns aren't useful. If you can't hit a deer or man sized target at 100 yards offhand using open sights with one of these rifles,,,, It won't be the guns fault,,, I'd say you need to practice a little more!
"It's not how well you do what you know how to do,,,It's how well you do what you DON'T know how to do!"
Source: https://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?296952-1894-44-mag-cast-bullet
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